Important: this call is exclusively reserved to FARI research groups.
Deadline: 31/12/2024 (or funding is lost).
Procedure: please fill this form
1. Objectives
FARI with Paradigm wants to support the involvement of citizens in projects on AI, Data, Robotics in the region. This call aims at reinforcing in Brussels the active collaboration with citizens around these technologies. It can take various forms, e.g. Citizen Science projects (where citizens are conducting a project alongside researchers), citizen consultation / deliberation panels (where citizen’s opinions are solicited), etc.
2. Conditions
FARI Research leaders have two options:
- Augmenting existing FARI projects (JointPhD Seed fund, Collaborative Research Projects, paradigm pilot projects) with citizen participation: the goal is to help existing projects of research groups that could benefit from actively involving citizens, and that fit within the scope of the Brussels Capital Region Innovation Needs (see 3. Scope)
- Conditions:
- The chosen project needs to be ongoing or validated
- The group must get in touch with FARI’s citizen panel and services about the methodology you can use, or the civic groups you could contact (to mutualize efforts)
- Deliverable: (rigorous) documentation proving that citizens were actively consulted / involved in the project, justification of the process and methods used.
- Imposed deadline: the inclusion of citizens must have been done before 31/12/2024
- Eligible costs: personnel, direct costs, compensation of citizens (other costs can be accepted as long as they all strictly respect Innoviris’ expenses guidelines that Paradigm follows as well)
- Seed-funding to build a citizen-oriented project: the goal is to stimulate the creation of ambitious projects around citizen science, or involving citizens in the co-design of a project (with AI, Data, or Robotics component)
- The research group can use this money to develop a complete funding request to a regional, federal, European or International (e.g. with Fonds de Recherche du Québec)
- Conditions:
- The funding request must actively include FARI central staff (its citizen panel and services) in the execution of the proposed project (and in the budget of that)
- The project can ideally involve one regional administration, e.g. as a partner or in a advisory committee (but no direct funding can come from FARI to them)
- It should aim at involving citizens actively on the topic of AI, Data and Robotics
- Deliverable at the end of the RRF project: formal proof that a project has been submitted at a local, national or international funding agency or program on this matter (and justification of how the money was spent)
- Imposed deadline: the project must have been submitted before 31/12/2024
- Eligible costs: personnel, direct costs, compensation of citizens (other costs can be accepted as long as they all strictly respect Innoviris’ expenses guidelines that Paradigm follows as well)
In all cases, justifications of the expenses will be asked for inspection purposes.
3. Scope
These projects should ideally target priority areas identified by the Brussels Capital Region (but this list is not exclusive)
- Climate & Energy
- Resource Optimization
- Mobility
- Health & Well-being
- Participatory & inclusive Society
4. Calendar